The only thing you uniquely share with your spouse that you don’t share with anyone else is sex. So sex is the only thing that sets you and your spouse apart from simply being roommates. It’s a vital part of marriage.
Not only does sex set you and your spouse apart from simply being roommates, it also requires a deeper level of communication that you don’t normally do with just anyone. Sex requires you to talk to each other about intimate, emotional things. For example, to have a truly intimate experience with your spouse, you need to tell your spouse where you like to be touched, and make requests for certain things. This requires that you both feel a comfort level with each other that you’ve never felt with anyone else before. It requires you to both become very vulnerable by asking, receiving and giving sexually. And it requires you to reach a deeper level of trust that your spouse will respond to your requests without judgment.
Some people think sex is overrated in a marriage.., while others think there are many reasons why sex is important with your spouse. When you are in love, it can connect the two of you in a way unlike any other. Aside from the obvious connecting part to having that time with your partner, there are some great medical benefits as well. Reasons why sex is important are all below, although there are many more I’m sure.
This is a one of the most obvious reasons why sex is important I think. Of course being intimate with one another is going to bring you two closer. The simple fact that you are seeing each other naked is enough to bring you closer. Sometimes being very much in love and being attracted to each other, doesn’t mean the sexual chemistry is there. Once you two have found your groove in the bedroom, you should see that chemistry coming together.
I mean, who doesn’t want to come home after a long stressful day and release that with some loud Os? This is a great way to put a new hop in your step and restore your energy, and of course to forget about your long day. Experts say people who have regular sex respond better to stress than#people who don’t.
Having one orgasm a day can keep the doctor away (see what I did there?). In order for the optimal health benefits, having an orgasm every 24 hours keeps the health #benefits at their maximum and the levels of oxytocin, estrogen and testosterone consistently flowing. Not only that, but regular sex can improve cardiovascular health, reduce risks of prostate cancer and even reduce the possibility of osteoporosis. Why not help your partner live longer?
Make your sexy time into an exercise! You actually burn 144+ calories per half-hour every time you get down and dirty according to studies, and who doesn’t love burning calories? (ESPECIALLY while having sexy time!) The key for high-calorie-burning sex is making it hot and making it last, say experts. You can also add a little moaning and sighing, which can help you burn an extra 18 to 30 #calories.
Who isn’t tired after some time between the sheets? This is a fantastic way to help you close those heavy #eyesbefore your usual time. Sex is said to cause a drop in body temperature, and also appears to induce a deep sleep. Experts usually discourage #exercisewithin a few hours of bedtime but the physical activity of sex seems to be a positive exception to that rule.
You might not have issues holding your bladder now, but it's bound to happen in the future. However, if you have sex often enough, your bladder control will improve. It's probably not your main reason for having intercourse, but it's certainly a great benefit!
Don't you love looking in the mirror to see flawless skin? Well, you'll be halfway there once you start having sex frequently. The more you do it, the better your #skin will look. You'll have a certain glow to you that isn't only due to your happiness.
Having a headache is a horrible excuse for skipping out on sex. Why? Because sex can actually cure a migraine. It makes the pain disappear, so if you're not feeling the greatest, having sex could be a good move.
Why would you stop yourself from doing something fun? When you're with the #right person, you'll love every second you spend with them--especially the time you spend naked. A relationship is meant to make you happier, so all the fun is part of a job.
Sex is "a natural antihistamine, helping to combat hay fever and asthma symptoms." That means that it makes it easier for you to breathe. So if you've been having problems with your allergies lately, a good roll in the hay could be the cure you've been looking for.
Having sex frequently will create a feeling of well-being, which is why you fall asleep so easily after doing it. That means that intercourse helps both your#body and your mind. There's nothing unhealthy about it.
Sex can potentially boost your intelligence. There are studies that show that it can "accelerate brain cell growth." So if you're hoping to ace a test, you can take a break from studying to have some sex. Hey, it's worth a shot, isn't it?
All of the things on this list combined will help you #look younger. Right now, you might not be worried about wrinkles, but you will be in the future. That's why having as much sex as you can while you can is a great idea.
I think we all know sex is important in a marriage , but of course if you aren’t at that stage yet, don’t take this article the wrong way. But if you are, then the above tips are all true, and trust,
I am speaking from experience(. Lol I)
Is there another reason why sex is important? Yes to have wonderful kids....
Have a nice day.
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