Monday, 11 January 2016


Your wife needs your creative energies if she is to become all that God created her to be. To help you in this area, here are some of the best tips I know for giving both of you a rich return on your investment.

Investment Tip #1: Treat her as a fully participating partner. Today the business world has all kinds of partnerships: silent partners, financial partners, equal partners, controlling partners, minority partners, and more. But in marriage, God intended for us to have only one kind: a fully participating partnership

When you recognize your wife as a fully participating partner in your life and marriage, you build her esteem. If you exclude her from your life, you devalue her worth as a person and her identity suffers. Without realizing it, you send your wife an unmistakably clear signal that says, "I don't need you. I can live my life without you."

Some husbands believe that the most difficult words to say are: "I love you" or "Will you forgive me?" But the three-word admission that seems the most threatening of all is, "I need you."

You will make your wife a participating partner in your life when you tenderly look her in the eyes and say, "I need you." Why not make this an experiential reality in your marriage.

I want to encourage you to let your wife into the interior of your life. Are you keeping her out of some area of your life? Do you tend to act independently of her in any area, including career or business? She may be a good adviser.

Investment no 2## Protect her

Your wife needs to feel safe, secure, and protected. As her husband, it's up to you to provide that security.
Certainly, you already protect your wife physically. You wouldn't think of having it any other way. You discourage her going out at night if it is dangerous. You protect her by encouraging her to lock the car when she goes shopping. You talk about what to do if a stranger forces his way into the house. And you provide the kind of security she needs at home for the times you are away. All these statements and actions demonstrate that she indeed is valued and that you care about what happens to her.

But are you protecting her from other muggers in her life, such as:

Overscheduling, letting her life get out of balance, and becoming too driven?Others' manipulation of her emotions and time?Her own unrealistic goals or expectations, which set her up for failure?Her tendency to compare herself with others—where she repeatedly comes up short in her own eyes?Burnout at work? At home?The children, who would take advantage of her weaknesses that they know so well?People who repeatedly discourage her?

Obviously, you can't protect your wife from every pressure, worry, fear, or loss. But you can do your best to anticipate many of these problems before they occur and to establish a solid security system for her protection.

Investment Tip #3: Honor her.

The following are a few techniques to honor your wife that can give you a competitive edge while also building your wife's self-esteem:

First, honor your wife by learning the art of putting her on a pedestal. If you focus on honoring her and caring for her needs, and on nurturing her as your most valued relationship, then you can truly make a difference in how she feels about herself. Capture your wife's heart by treating her with respect, tenderness, and highest esteem.

honor your wife by speaking to her with respect. Without careful attention, your tongue can become caustic, searing, and accusing. Washington Irving once said, "The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use

honor your wife by extending common courtesies. You may think that these little amenities were worthwhile only during courtship, but actually they are a great way to demonstrate respect and distinction over the long haul. Common courtesy is at the heart of servanthood; it says, "My life for yours." It bows before another to show esteem and dignity.

There is so much to share on this be continued  .........
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