You can identify these people in your lives. Right here, right now.
And you have heard their remarks and experience their expressions one too many times before. They sap your energy making you feel useless, hopeless.
Allow me to refresh your memory.they tell you things like
“You will never make it…”
You need lots of money to start a business and with your income I don’t think you can afford it…”
“You quit your job? Do you know how difficult life is without a fixed paycheck?...”
What’s wrong with having a sugar daddy?
“You must treat your bosses like Gods, they are the reason why you have a job and they are paying you salary to survive…”
I think you will fail…”
“You are not cut out to be your own boss…not now or ever…”
“You know what? Your dreams suck…I don’t think anyone would buy your stuff / hire you to .”
“Don’t compare yourself to your successful cousin Joe, he’s successful because his parents can afford it, and you’re not…”
“You are not clever enough, so I don’t think you can excel on this business venture…”
“Leaving your job is like digging your own grave…thing is you die slowly in it…”
These remarks, feedback, comments can continue on and on. Some have subtle message in it. Some is downright cruel.
Whatever it is, you can DO something about it.
Here are some tips on how to duck down whenever you are hit with those words. Please note that some can be pretty crude but hey! It helps to keep these pesky pests away! You will get used to it.
You will notice that there is a lot of “Walking Away” to do here, trust me it’s one of the best way to ignore these people. It’s a straightforward body language that tells these people to just leave you alone. TRY IT! It works for me.
Let them talk, and talk some more. And then when they stop, ask them if they are done. If yes, walk away and don’t say a word.
A lot of people go through the motions in life, not doing what they love. They ended up constantly looking back, asking themselves, “What if I have done that?”
Whether people support you or not, do you really want to look back in regret someday?
Follow your heart instead, and not the words of others just to live up to their expectations and make them happy but yourself.
The next time they pass another comment, just look at them and mock them for saying it. And then walk away.
Right after they made that annoying comment, laugh at them and then walk away. This action may leave them bewildered.
Another positive way of dealing with negative comments is to take it in and use it to fuel your spirit. Every time you feel like giving up, replay their comments over & over again and use that to push you to work harder on your dreams. Once you achieve your dream, it’s time for you to sit back and observe the look from their faces.
Oh yes. Let them talk, talk and talk. And then give them this look like “Duh, what do you mean?...”. Go on, act like an innocent I-Don’t-Know-A-Word-You-Are-Saying. Just don’t let them get to you.
Don’t let their mean comments belittle you or push you down. Don’t ever allow that to happen. Use a mental visualization that every time they passed comment, squashed them or shoot them over & over again. Note that these people are zombies, they don’t die easily.
So you have a dream, go get it! Your job is not to please these people but to prove to yourself (and them) what you can do!
At times, it can be really hard to swallow all that noise around you.
But life is short.
It may be a little disheartening to have people around you discourage you, but remember that life is short.
Do you really want to spend your time feeling down over others’ words when they’re completely unwarranted, baseless, and probably not making any kind of sense?
Do you really want to pull back on your dream or doing what you want because of others, and start living a life that probably doesn’t fulfill your potential?
People who don’t support you and discourage you may not actually be bad people who intentionally want to destroy your dreams. Sometimes, they just don’t understand why you do what you want to do, so they voice out their concerns, which may make them seem dissenting and annoying.
If anything, since they don’t fully understand, I don’t see why it’s something to be upset over. Sometimes others are just insecure. So when people don’t support what you’re doing, probably it’s about them than it is about you.
It could be plain ignorance or even jealousy, but some people tend to attack things that are new to them. So again, don’t take their words to heart. If their criticism isn’t constructive in any way, they may be discouraging you because of their own fears and insecurities.
People who doesn’t support you might paint a gloomy picture of what’s to come if you do proceed to do what you want to do.
You don’t know the future either and nobody does, but do you still want to listen to others instead of believing in yourself? Don’t let objections from others become your truth and limit you from creating what you want in life.
It’s natural to want support and encouragement from the people around you, especially your loved ones. But it is possible to do what you want to do without their blessings & support.
Just think of how many successful, inspiring people took the road less traveled.
Go ahead..follow your will get there.
Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
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