There is nothing worse than marrying a stingy man. Wikipedia describes a miser as a person who is reluctant to spend money, sometimes to the point of foregoing even the basic comforts and some necessities in order to hoard money or other possessions. If you ask me, what to do with a stingy husband, I may not be the right person to offer an advice because I know that people are born stingy and they die stingy. However that is my opinion; I have been able to dig up some research that can help you if you are already caught in the web of a stingy man. One woman asks: ‘In a marriage, is anything as hurtful, depressing and painful as having a very very rich husband who is also very stingy to you? A husband who feels like your only need is food and accommodation, like you are born to economize and manage everything while he can afford to give himself all the best things of life?
That is quite disturbing isn’t it? True, there are men like that who use money as a control factor. Perhaps if they starve you of funds, you will forever be at their mercy.
First advice from me is do not marry a stingy man. You would have noticed from the time of courtship that his ways with money are stiff, but agreed, some men are clever at concealing their true nature.
Nevertheless, if you are already married, you just must learn to manage him/her! Though you are unlucky if your partner is not generous and hates to spend money, you can still cope.
Wondering how to handle a stingy spouse without endangering your relationship?
•Find out why your partner is behaving in this way
Some people are innately cheap, and nothing you can do will change them. But they are a small minority. You have to try to understand why they are the way they are. Usually, there is a perfectly good reason for it – their job does not pay well, the job market is not stable, and they want to save money in case they are laid off– all excellent reasons to be frugal.
Talk about it
You need to mention (delicately) that this behaviour is becoming a problem, if you believe it is getting out of hand. Give examples of the stinginess and let him or her know how this makes you feel.
Give more love
As a spouse, you need to give more love and care. This is not a time to withdraw your affection, as it will only worsen matters. It needs to be understood that money cannot buy feelings and such things are short lived. Plan to enact that you require lot of money for the home.
Give up things to win their heart
Do not be argumentative to prove your ideas. Always give up and make him/her understand that that gives you more pleasure. Buy them gifts that will influence change.
Know your spouse
Know what he/she likes best. Cater for those needs. Make his/her needs tie with yours, as in mutual interest. Advise him/her on how best to take care of his/her interest, be it kids or family at large. Ultimately, what is good for him/her will be good for you.
Do not resort to threats
A woman with a stingy spouse? Know how to tender your requests. Exaggerate your needs but let him know he is more than the request before him. Never use threats as a way of getting what you want from him. That may harden him the more. Use guilt as a weapon. Say things like, ‘Honey, when last have I made a request like this?’ You know I will not ask for assistance if I can help it. Please see what you can do, I’m counting on you’.
Listen to what he is saying
He may be upset that nobody pays attention to his needs when it comes to Christmas for instance. Perhaps, he always spent his money buying gifts for others, yet nobody seemed to appreciate him or reciprocate when it was his turn to receive. Everybody is the way they are for a reason, after all. Ask him questions that will get him to open up. If he is able to air his feelings and be understood for it, a lot of it may just change.
Change the subject when complaints start to mount
If he points out that you spent too much money on
the holiday, or simply hates the colour orange that you chose for his gift, acknowledge it simply. Quickly change the subject. Not dwelling on the complaint or giving him the negative attention he is craving will discourage similar comments for the rest of the day.
Play the “glad” game
“The Glad Game” is a way to find the joy in life. When things look negative, point out the positives of the situation. Follow that up with listing things that genuinely make both of you happy.
Challenge a mean comment
While it is better to ignore small things, a comment that has truly offended you should be nipped in the bud. Be honest. Explain that it hurts your feeling. Your honesty may make him/her realise the error.
Teach generosity by being generous
If he/she will not even give you or the children a Christmas gift, do not let that stop you. Give him/her something that pertains to his/her hobbies, a gift you know he/she will genuinely enjoy. Include a gift receipt to silence him/her if there is a complaint. He/she will likely be touched and think twice before being so stingy next time.