It is always good to have pride, I will never dispute that but there is such a thing as having too much pride. It’s great to “protect” yourself from others; however, when you find someone that truly loves you then it’s okay to let your guard down. It is okay to look within yourself and realize you don’t have control of the situation and in need of someone’s help. It is righteous to say sorry when you know you have hurt the other person or have been wrongful toward them.
Let’s discuss pride a little bit. What comes to mind when you think of the word pride or someone being prideful? Think about this for a few seconds. Okay… now this is what comes to my mind — I think the person is too weak to deal with pain so they protect themselves to appear strong. You may disagree with me, but think about it. Most people think that people with pride are strong people. People with pride cannot be torn down. They supposedly have great self-esteem, are always in control, don’t need help from anyone and are all powerful.
But ultimately we are all human. We all need help from time to time and we are not all powerful. As for overly prideful people, on the contrary, they only want to believe they have great self-esteem. If you pay attention closely they are not really on the up and up within themselves. People with too much pride often are holding things back and/or are hiding something that they wish not to reveal to anyone including their partner.
That’s why I say it is relationship suicide. If at any time in your life you should be able to let your hair down is when you are fortunate enough to find someone that loves you unconditionally that is not your blood. You are not giving your relationship a winning chance to survive if you are too prideful.
Prideful people think they can hold their own in relationships. Well if so then, why are they in a relationship? When you find someone you love you should want them to be a part of your team, not a part of what you say and what your ideals are. As you know there is not an “i” in the word team, however, prideful people think there is. To find someone is to make that person your other half if you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you don’t believe that then you probably should be single and just satisfy your sexual needs from time to time.
If you find yourself as a prideful person then maybe you should back down a little in your relationships (friends as well) because pride makes you impatient, distrusting, and not accepting of those who do not ascribe to your philosophy, spiritual beliefs, psychological principles, and sociological mandates. And let me tell you nobody wants to deal with such drivel and if they do they won’t for long. It is absolutely frustrating and continuously irritating.
Pride will cause you to fail in every relationship because with such pride you will live a life of indifference, avoidance, and denial of the warning signs that what you believe yourself to be is not what you really are, which is quite sad.
So prideful people…
Wake up, be real, and take advantage of the love you have in life! Not everyone gets to be that blessed in life. Therefore, stop being cocky, accept other people’s feeling as real and justified, realize and come to terms with your weaknesses, know that you are not always right nor is your way the right way, your beliefs are your opinions, hardheaded, stubborn and overall deaf to the world in general. Snap out of it before you lose what could be the best thing that could happen to you in your life.
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(A problem shared is at least half solved)
Have a nice day.
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