Monday, 1 February 2016


How do you know when your relationship is just not right? Sometimes it’s a feeling you get -- deep down, you know something’s off. But often there are telltale signs that you’re headed for splitsville. Time to read the writing on the wall.

1 you are snooping....
you’re looking through your man’s jeans pockets, hacking into his email or conveniently “glancing” at his phone, it’s probably because you’re looking for evidence of what you already know or your trust level with your guy is nonexistent. Think about it:
And don’t fool yourself into believing that spying on your guy is no big deal. “Snooping isn’t a normal part of a healthy relationship.

2 No more  sex
He used to grab your hand in the public. (or grab your bum when you were washing dishes). But these days it seems like you’re friends (without the benefits) and the sad part is you don’t even really care. “Almost all men want sex whenever they can get it -- it’s natural human behavior -- even when the rest of the relationship may not be in good standing.
“If you find he stops coming on to you and you’ve stopped engaging in lovemaking as well, it could mean he’s just not interested in you anymore, romantically. Or he’s given up trying after too many ‘no’s’.”

3 He's Always Looking At His Phone
These days most of us are obsessed with our apps, but if your guy is checking his Facebook page instead of paying attention to you over dinner, it’s a sign that he could already be checked out of the relationship. “He could be totally into someone else, and even if he’s not, you’re not his priority,“If he’s not giving you ample attention when you’re together because he’s too into his phone, then he’s not present or engaged in you or the conversation.” Before you conclude suggest he stops and see how he responds. “He may just need to learn that he’s being quite rude,

4 You Fight Dirty
All couples that have been together more than five minutes fight at some point. But when you start bickering in front of your friends and truly trying to hurt each other with your words, it’s possible that you’re on the way out. “This is a red flag that you need to get out or get serious counseling,” When people show such disrespect for one another, other feelings have trumped any feelings of love and this cycle will just continue to spiral until something major is done.” Not even into the hot makeup sex after a quarrel? That’s a sure sign that it may be time to move on.

5 You Don't Find Reasons To Dress Up Anymore
Remember the days when it took you two hours to get ready to see him or when you  Putting in the effort to look (and feel) sexy says that you are invested in your relationship. “If you think that seduction isn’t necessary, that can be very problematic,”  You also need to feel desired by him. Maintaining a relationship is work. And couples need to be open and communicative about their needs and what they can be doing to keep passion alive.” “If you have no desire to be sexy for him, then you should have a good long talk with yourself about why you’re holding back on the fun stuff,” says Allison. “It could simply mean that you’re not into him anymore.”

7 You’re Asking Other People What They Think of the RelationshiP

When you’re satisfied and confident in your relationship you don’t need outside opinions to tell you that things are going great. It’s only when you’re on shaky ground that you start polling anyone who’ll listen (girlfriends, your mom, the woman who does your nails) on what they think about your union. “If you’re not secure and confident enough to know in your heart what you need and want in a relationship, and are asking others their advice, then you should rethink things,”  “The fact that you’re asking outsiders what they think is a sign in itself that you may know the real truth about it, but are looking for reassurance about the decision you know you need to make.” Instead of rehashing the details with your bestie, it’s probably time to talk to your man about where your relationship stands.

Have a nice day and a wonderful month.

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