Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Time to make  Compliments for Guys that Are Not Too Cheesy but that Will Make Him Go Head Over Heels for You
Trust ll get his attention.
So, how to find compliments to give a guy? How to make a compliment so that it won't be too obvious, but it will be obvious enough?

1. You are so handsome!

You might think that this is a cliche, but men aren't as often complimented as women so this compliment guys really has an effect on them. Some women might tell men that they are cute or hot, but saying that they are handsome is more elegant and it also adds a hint of intimacy to the conversation. The truth is that people don't use the word handsome as often as they used to, so men really notice it when they hear it. Telling someone that they are handsome means a lot more than being hot or cute. It's not only about their physical appearance and this is why it is one of the best compliments for a guy.

2. Wow, you really are hitting the gym!

Although men wish to be handsome, they also want to be manly and by their book this means that they have to hit the gym. So, when it comes to what men want to hear, you should make sure they know how much you appreciate all their efforts. If you start going to the gym, you'd like people to notice it as well, right? The same goes for men. After all, they are mostly doing it for women. If you notice it and let them know that you like the changes, you will motivate them to keep working. Actually, you are doing them a favor since exercise is good for their health. All in all, some of the compliments for a guy will ensure that they will have a healthy life (and it's all because of you).

3. You can always make me smile!

If you are thinking about complimenting a guy, you should consider what men find important. It is no secret that they like to make women laugh and you should appreciate the fact that they are trying. The fact that you tell him he can plant a smile on your face even when you're having a bad day means that he is doing a good job as a man. Also make sure to smile after complimenting him to increase the effect of the compliment. This will make him feel better about himself and you can be sure that he will keep trying to make you smile. This means that it is a win-win situation.

4. I feel safe with you!

Men, by their nature feel like they have to protect the people (especially the women) around them. Just because they don't have to hunt anymore or wrestle beasts, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't. When looking for compliments guys like to hear, this is always a safe bet. Men just love to protect damsels in distress and the fact that you say it out loud will make him feel like the man he always wanted to be. This refers to a lot more than just his physical strength; it's also about his personality and the fact that he assumes the role of your protector. You should let him protect you or save you from time to time, even if you don't think you need protection. This is one of the best ways to compliment a guy.

5. Girls can't keep their eyes off you

It is simply obvious why this compliment made it to our list of compliments for guys. Just like you enjoy having men look at you, men like to be "checked out" by women as well. Again, it's not only the fact that women are looking at him, but also that you say it out loud. It makes it all more real for him. It gives reassurance that it's not only him, but women are actually looking at him in a way that others notice as well. Although usually this is something that women don't like and don't want men to notice, if you come clean about it, you will get some extra points for your courage. After such a compliment there will be no more reason to be looking for cute compliments for guys ? he will only have eyes for you.

6. I love how driven you are

In case you are looking for ways to compliment a guy, you should let him know that you believe in him. Men need a woman who supports them. If you tell him that you believe in him, he will feel like a superhero and he will think that he can do anything. You could also say things like it is just normal people want to work with him because of his amazing abilities, or that he has accomplished so much already, or that it is just normal that he got that new job because he is great at what he does.

7. I am proud of you

If you have been with someone for some time now, you should let them know that you are proud of them. Use these words to compliment a guy and you can be sure that your compliment won't go unnoticed. This tells them a lot more than you love them or that you trust them.

If you are flirting, you could be looking for funny compliments for guys, but if you are serious about your compliment, these are the ones you should be thinking about.

8. I can't contain my laughter when I'm around you

Not only is he making you smile, but he has an impeccable sense of humor you simply adore. Guys really appreciate when they know their sense of humor is well-accepted. Especially by a cute girl like you.

Remember how devastated Chandler felt when Monica told him how funny a guy at her restaurant was? Funny guys take great pride in the fact that they're fun. Take that away from him and he'll feel intimidated.

There's only one thing you shouldn't do: Force it. Don't feel obliged to compliment his humor if you don't get it or if you don't like that kind of humor. If such things don't come naturally to you, that's okay. There are probably other things out there you really like about him.

9. Your friends are really great

Now you're being smooth there. Such witty compliments for guys can take you a long way with him. We all know that introducing your date to your friends is really a means of testing. He can maybe try and fool you, but he will rarely try and fool an entire group of people. The same goes in the other direction.

If you've met his friends and hung around with them for some time now, you can be pretty sure they've told him what they think about you, and that may or may not affect how he feels about you. Still, this is a two-way street, and your positive comment about them can only be a huge plus.

His choice of friends in a way describes him, so you're basically complimenting all of them at the same time.

10. Tired is looking really good on you

When it comes to funny compliments for guys, you have to know how to pull them off. And one thing you definitely need is the right timing. Because, well, ironic comments like this one, can't be just included in any conversation, right.

But they can be pulled of in situations where your significant other is actually tired and what you want to do is at least try to make him smile and show your concern. It can be well accompanied by a pleasant gesture like making a cup of coffee or offering a backrub.
  Try this compliments.i can bet you l get his attention.
Best of  luck.

Friday, 9 September 2016


LOVE ....The word is far too quickly used in new relationships and often still repeated even after all the love is gone.

But saying you love someone doesn’t mean you actually do. Just because someone says they love you doesn’t mean they actually do. How is a man to know if a woman is telling him the truth? Thankfully, her actions tell the real story. When her actions match her words, her love is true. When they don’t, it is fair to question.

Here are common actions from women who aren’t in love:

1. She won’t talk to you. Many women open up their lives for those they love. They desire to be known and a key element to being known is through telling our story. Husbands often misunderstand this about wives. When she is telling you about her day, she isn’t just reciting facts. She is letting you into her heart. When a woman reduces communication with a man, it’s a sign that she doesn’t love him.

2. She won’t sacrifice for you. Few things are as sacrificial as a woman in love. Look at a mom with her newborn–her love causes her to never question her sacrifice. So it is when a woman loves a man. She sacrifices for him (just as he should sacrifice for her). While many women could do better to be a little more “selfish” about their time and dreams, when a woman refuses to sacrifice for a man, it’s a clear sign she doesn’t love him. She might enjoy him. She might be using him. But she isn’t loving him.

3. She doesn’t admire you. Women can have a parental love for those they don’t respect, but they can’t have a romantic love without admiration. They can lust after someone who isn’t admirable, but they can not love him. Women respect those they love. I often see this played out in a negative way in marriages when a woman loses respect for her husband because of laziness or poor choices. In those situations, her love can quickly fade.If a woman doesn’t admire you, she doesn’t love you.

4. She doesn’t honor your mom/family. Men do not operate well when they are caught between their mom and their significant other. Men want both women happy. While not every mother or family deserves total respect, a woman in love will honor your mom just for being your mom. She might disagree with your mother’s decisions or not appreciate aspects of her personality, but she will do her best to honor the woman you call mom. She will also honor your family. Within proper boundaries, she will do her part because of her love for you. If a woman won’t honor your family, she probably won’t honor you.

5. She won’t put you above her friends. It’s been said that when a woman enters into a serious relationship, she loses 1-2 friends. Why? Because there is only so much time a person can give. Friendship requires quality and quantity time together1. Women (and men) need good relationships outside of dating or marriage, but those relationships must come second to the one they love. When a woman continually chooses her friends over you, it’s a sign she doesn’t love you.

Early in a relationship, a woman is under no obligation to love you. As a matter of fact, if she falls in love too quickly with you, I would run.

However, there comes a time in which she must decide if she is in or out of the relationship. In those moments, she can say a lot of things, but whether or not she loves you will be defined more by her actions than her words.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


Love can make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. It can elate you and deflate you almost at the same time. Hey..I hope you get inspired.
My favorite  quotes. ..

1 The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together.”
— Robert C Dodds

2 When a wife has a good husband it is easily seen in her face.”
— Goethe

3 My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.”
— Joyce Brothers

4 “My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher.”
— Socrates

5 Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.”
— Simone Signoret

6 “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

7 A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.”
— Robert Quillen

8. In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.”
— Woody Allen

9 As for his secret to staying married: ‘My wife tells me that if I ever decide to leave, she is coming with me.'”
— Jon BonJovi

10 “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”
Theodore Hesburgh

11 No man was ever shot by his wife while doing the dishes.”
— Unknown

12 Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice.”
-Fawn Weave

13 Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
-Franklin P. Jone

14  People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked.”
-Paul Newman

15 An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband.
Booth Tarkington

16 There is no remedy for love but to love more.”
– Henry David Thoreau

17 Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”
– Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven

18  great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
– Dave Meurer

19. ’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
– Marilyn Monroe

20 Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.”
– Zelda Fitzgeral

I hope one other this quotes inspire you
Do have a nice day

Monday, 5 September 2016


Key difference: A father is the male parent of the child; its progenitor. They share DNA with the child, but he may or may not share responsibility in the child’s growth and development. Dad is a term of affection and familiarity. Dad is someone who actively participates in the child’s growth and development.

There is a saying: "Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy".

While in definition, both terms mean the same, their implications have changed over the years. A father is the male parent of the child; its progenitor. Traditional roles of a father dictate that fathers act in a protective, supportive and responsible way towards their children. Fathers who are active in the children’s lives play a role in how the children grow up. They have an impact on the child’s behavior, psychology and their development.

However, not all fathers are active in the children’s lives. There are many fathers who believe that once the child is born, their role is over. Of course, they are still the child’s father, as they do share DNA with the child, but they do not share responsibility in the child’s growth and development. He might pay the bills on time, he might supply the food and money, and he might provide for the family. However, if he does not even know his children, know their likes and dislikes, or what is going on with them, at school or personally, chances are the children will not consider him to be their dad.

Dad is a term of affection and familiarity. Dad is someone who actively participates in the child’s growth and development. A dad fulfills all the responsibilities associated with the role, personal as well as societal and cultural. The dad may or may not be the biological father. He may be the adoptive father, the step-father, or just a nurturing male figure in the child’s life, such as grandfathers and uncles, cousins and big brothers, family friends, who fulfill some of the father’s responsibilities.

Research shows that an increased amount of father–child involvement may help increase a child's social stability, educational achievement, and their potential to have a solid marriage as an adult. The children may also be more curious about the world around them and develop greater problem solving skills. So, even if fathers fulfill monetary responsibilities, they do not give the child these abilities. They do not fulfill their responsibilities to the child.

Dads are the one who are there for the child, when they need them, in good times and bad. They are the ones who will stay up with the child, the one who will attend the child’s games and team practices. They are the ones who will take the children out for a holiday, teach them to ride a bike, drive a car and give them away at their marriage. They provide guidance, an open ear and a caring heart

The main difference between a father and a dad is that father is biological; however a dad’s relationship is emotional. Fathering is an act of nature, while, being a dad is all about nurture. It is much easier to become a father, many even do it unintentionally; however, it is much harder to commit to becoming a dad.

Still, these terms are subjective, depending on the usage in the family. A child may call the father a dad, despite not having a caring or nurturing relationship. Likewise, a child may call her father, ‘father’ at least in front of friends and family, despite him being the best father. Personal experience with these terms may vary. Some may not even call their father, father or dad. They may have some other name or nickname, such as Da, Pa, Papa, Dada, etc. Some may even call their stepfathers by name, even though they may have a dad-child relationship.
have a nice day

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


There are men who seem to have the magic when they are around women. While many men are struggling to succeed in dating women, there are men who attract women like magnet. Men who are women magnet are the envy of guys who find it hard to succeed in dating women. Did you know that the magnetism of those men can be obtained by any guy? Any man can transform into a ladies man and get out of their bad luck with women. Discover what it takes to transform into a ladies man.

To transform into a ladies man, you have to get noticed. Before you could attract women, you should know how to make your presence felt by everyone around you. A ladies man is someone who enters a room and be able to capture the attention of people around him. To get noticed, it is important to always know the proper clothes to wear and know what fits you well. Experimenting and developing a style that perfectly fits your personality can be very helpful. Maintaining a good posture and being in good shape can make heads turn. No, you do not have to dress like movie stars and be as sexy as ramp models but you just have to be pleasant-looking, confident with your looks and know how to handle yourself. Physical appearance is important to get your foot in the door, so to get noticed by women, you need to be pleasant-looking.

To transform into a ladies man, you have to treat women like ladies. Some men may think gestures like opening a door and pulling a chair for her are old-fashioned, cheesy and corny but it will surprise you that most women love the old-fashioned way. Women like to be treated like ladies or princesses. A real ladies man treats a woman as if she is the center of his universe and that she is like a breakable glass that must be handled with utmost care.

To transform into a ladies man, you have to live life passionately. Living a routine life is not bad but if you want to live life passionately you have to do something better than living a routine life. If you will just do the same things everyday, you are limiting yourself and avoiding great opportunities like gaining new experiences, meeting new people (including women of course) and creating relationships. Get out of your routine life, live passionately and become the best version of yourself. A man who is living life withpassion is an attractive man. Learn new hobbies, travel, meet new people, volunteer in the community, learn a new language, read a good book, etc. There are so many things you can do to live life passionately and in the process become an irresistibly attractive man.

To transform into a ladies man, you have to know how to make women laugh. You do not have to be a comedian but if you naturally love to make other people laugh and want them to feel good, you are an irresistible guy. Women will always remember how you make them laugh even when you are not around and will always look forward to spend more time with you.

To transform into a ladies man, you must have self-confidence. Men who are confident, secured, in control of themselves and self-sufficient are really attractive. Not everyone believes in their worth and have self-confidence so when you come off as confident, you will appear as a strong person who believes in your capabilities and can take care of the people in your life. This trait is what most women are looking for in a man. They do not want a man full of insecurities and do not know his worth.

Any man can be attractive because attracting women is a skill that can be learned.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Babe do you know you may actually be the side  chick yet thinking you re the number one in his life...wake up sis...let's find out ...
This what they do

A They turn their phone off around you – Of course, because you don’t want to hear “will you be my wifey” blasting from his sidekick when the real boo calls.

B They Never Answer Their Phones – The reverse applies…don’t want you calling around the boo and the kids.

C  No Dates – Digiorno and Netflix are part of the best date..or africa magic..he never wanna go out with you to public places.  He prefers you watch music videos you a producer?

D You Haven’t Met The Homies – Self-explanatory. You don’t come around then yeah…no dice..he can't let you meet way.

E  You Don’t Come Around The Crib – You don’t want to see the pics of the family around, do you? So the rendezvous happens at your place all the time.wake up babe..

F They’re Not On Facebook – Harder to get caught up if you’re not on Facebook.he s not dumb like you

G Pictures Get Untagged – You try to tag your boo but those tweets and messages get deleted? Yup.wake up dear.

H You Get Shade And You Don’t Know Why –When other women start insulting pr gossip about you and you have no clue where it came from, it may be because they re wondering  why you're so cheap and bitch to be a side your fault. don't know you are.

I Lots Of Out Of Town Trips – Surefire way to not get caught? You’re always traveling. Always.dont mix it's not because he loves you or wanna take you on trips..he s playing sage not to get

J Common Phrases – “Let’s keep this between us…” “I’m a private person…” beware!lol...tell him your private part is also private....

Half a word is enough for the wise
You re too good to be a side chick..

Monday, 29 August 2016


I don’t like it when some people think that just because your relationship only lasted a couple of months you should hurt less than if the relationship had been longer. Again, pain is pain. No one has the right to judge it, put limits on it, or qualify it.
Break up is break up..but it the end of the world? NO AND NO wake up

1. The sun still shines.

Life isn’t ending. Every day you wake up and there is a new day with new people waiting for you to have new experiences. The sun still rises and the sun still sets, life isn’t over and you can’t keep acting like it is. Trust me, life has just begun.

2. There are 7 billion people in the world.

You’re going to let ONE ruin your day? Ruin your mood? There are too many different people in this world who can change your life in so many different positive ways to let one negative, sad excuse for a soul disrupt how much you enjoy everyday life.

3. He isn’t worth it.

No man should ever make you sad. Yeah, they make you angry, they disappoint you, they confuse you but none should ever make you sad. And men who do? Really aren’t worth it. He fooled you, he played you like a fiddle but it’s his loss. Just think about all the men out there waiting to make you happy instead. This stupid one is definitely not worth it.

4. He’s a jerk.

If you’re not worth his time, why should he even be worth your thoughts? Face it, if he “doesn’t know” if he wants you, he’s probably got another girl wrapped around him helping him figure it out or he’s just making sure you don’t move on first. People go after what they want.

5. He’s got a rock for a heart and you don’t.

You love. And that’s good. Loving with all of your heart is something to be proud of. Who cares if you spent that love on the wrong person for a little while? One day someone is not only going to deserve all that love but also know how to handle it AND love you the same way. How awesome will that be?

6. You’re pretty.

WELL, YOU ARE. And pretty girls don’t cry (in public). You’re beautiful, inside and out. You can’t blame yourself or judge yourself based on someone else’s actions. You have to know that this happened for a reason. You, you pretty girl you, you deserve better. You deserve to smile. You deserve to have fun and you deserve someone who enhances your life. Not someone who brings you down.

7. You’re probably remembering the past much better than it actually was.

Life is great and the relationship you guys had might have been too. But in reality, how great could it have been if it led you to where you are right now? It’s okay to see the good but don’t ignore the bad. Your future is going to be
INCREDIBLE, with or without Mr. Awful.

8. You’re bigger than all of this.

You have so much going for you. Focus on the people in your life who encourage you to reach those goals and fill your life with endless support and positive energy in whatever it may be. Those are the people who will be there for you, by your side through the good and the bad. Those are the people who are going to love you no matter what. Those are the people who make everything okay.

9. I really don’t know for sure.

I can’t convince you with just 8 reasons that life goes on and you deserve to be happy. It’s up to you. You have to wake up every single morning and decide to be happy or decide to do something about not being happy. Life is about going after what you want, realizing what and who is truly important and living each second to the fullest. So take a chance. Dye your hair, eat that chocolate bar, skip class and go to the beach, talk to that guy at the bar. Do something crazy.

Because whether or not it works out, whether or not you know exactly where you’re supposed to be in life right now… I can promise that in the end, you are going to be more than me.
Have a lovely day.